About Us

“There is one race, the Human race, and it is the law of the Sun that makes us come in different tones.” (Mamo Crispin Izquierdo Torrres, Ika, Santa Marta, Colombia)

Welcome to the Kalpulli Taos Website! It has been a journey of nearly 4 decades, a short time compared to the more than 500 years it took to bring the Sun Dance Fire back to Mexico. We are dedicated to sharing the teachings we have learned on the Red Road from Elders of many traditions.

Hay una raza, la raza Humana, y es la ley del Sol la que nos hace venir en diferentes tonalidades. ”(Mamo Crispin Izquierdo Torrres, Ika, Santa Marta, Colombia)

¡Bienvenido a la página web de Kalpulli Taos! Ha sido un viaje de casi 4 décadas, poco tiempo comparado con los más de 500 años que se necesitaron para traer el Sun Dance Fire de regreso a México. Estamos dedicados a compartir las enseñanzas que hemos aprendido en el Camino Rojo de los Ancianos de muchas tradiciones.


Kalpulli Taos Vision

A “kalpulli” is an independent, self governing and self sufficient community.  Before the invasion of Itzachitlatlan by the Europeans, kalpullis formed the basic social political structure for the larger society.  The Kalpulli Taos hopes to bring together people of many talents with a common vision – that we will once again be able to live …

The Red Road

The Red Road is how many modern indigenous people refer to their practice of ancient indigenous spirituality . Upon hearing the term the Red Road many people mistakenly think the Red Road refers to the red race. This is not the case, the Red Road refers to the color of blood, which is the same …